January 2, 2011

Hello, 2011

So as you all know, New Year's Eve is my absolute favorite day of the year.  This year, plans changed quite a few times and ultimately, I didn't see the fireworks.  That's okay though, since I spent the end of 2010/beginning of 2011 with some of my best friends who I haven't seen since the end of summer, when we all shipped off to our separate colleges.  
And when the clock hit 11:59pm, we all counted down to 2011, and threw confetti in the air, clinking our glasses to celebrate the new beginning.  Old friends hugged and celebrated together for the closing of one door, and the opening of another, because this is the year that changes everything, just like every year does.  
Heather, Eric, Chris, and I
Eric, Jeff, Heather, Chris, and me
Eric and I
Heather and I  (I'm on the left)
Jeff, Chris, Heather, and Eric
Eric and Heather
And there was even a New Years kiss :)  These are some of my best friends, and I loved being able to bring in the New Year with them! <3
Unfortunately, I didn't get my kiss yet, but there are plenty more new years' for that!  
This year I resolve to:
   *  Take more pictures, and write more
   *  Be happy!
   *  Post on here every day  (that's going to be the hardest one, I think)
Do you guys have any New Year's resolutions?  I'd love to hear about them!
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday with friends or family, like I did, and I can't wait to hear all about it!


  1. Thanks :) I try to make them simple enough that I can hold to them, but still that they make a difference
    <3 Kiersten

  2. Love the resolutions! But I love that bokeh photo even more!

  3. Why thank you!! And thanks, I absolutely love bokeh - especially the colorful kind!
    Thanks for reading/commenting! :)
    <3 Kiersten


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! It means so much to me, and I really do love reading all your messages! <3