January 30, 2011

Sunday Thankful List

Today I am thankful for:
   * leftovers from the amazing Japanese place in town
   * lazy weekends at college
   * friends who make me smile :)
* sites that stream every episode of Boy Meets World
*Pepsi <3
*Cap'n Crunch
What are you thankful for this week?

January 29, 2011

Hello Saturday

I love Saturdays - they are, I think, my favorite day of the week.  Monday through Friday mean getting up early for class, and being fairly busy throughout the day.  Sunday is the day before it all starts again.  Saturday, though, is a lazy day for sleeping in late, and doing whatever I please all day.  

I'm spending the day lying about the dorm, and getting classwork done before the new week begins.  (snow delays/cancellations make for a lot of missed work)  How about you loves?  What'r you up to this weekend?

January 28, 2011


It's a winter wonderland here, loves!
For the past 2 days (Wednesday and Thursday) classes have been canceled, and my floor has spent the free time cuddled up together in our lobby, watching movies on the projector and ordering pizza/Chinese food.  (It's going to be hard not living with these people next year...)
It's been great quality time :)
 (^^This is the view from outside my dorm building^^)
As of right now, we're on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, meaning I'd still have my 10 and 11 am classes.  My guess is for a text message at 5:30am canceling all morning classes.  (As of right now, the roads still aren't cleared, and it's after midnight.)  
I've got a few friends who were here last year, and I've heard stories from them about the "Snow Week" (remember the 6-day weekend of 2010???).  Two weeks into the semester, and I feel like we're getting close...
(^^The view from our windows^^)
How's the weather where you are?  Any snow days for you?  I'd love to hear!

January 25, 2011

Black and White

Black and white photographs lie on the floor where you left them: an ode to her, to her memory, and to the memories the two of you shared.  

Closing your eyes, you can almost remember running through these empty halls with her, surrounded by cardboard boxes which you’d filled with your lives before each other. You can remember her laughter bouncing off the empty walls, and eating out of cardboard Chinese take-out boxes on the new hardwood floors.  Your shadows on the walls were your movie, and you used bundled up sheets for a bed.  You spent the night like a middle-school sleepover.  You were comfortable; you were happy. 

You remember dancing with her, all eyes on you as you spun circles on your wedding night.  You remember kissing her, feeling like you never had before, like this was the first time, and nobody else was in the room with you.  So clearly, like it was yesterday, you remember coming back to the honeymoon suite, carrying her over the threshold, throwing her on the bed and scattering flower petals everywhere.  You remember not caring about anything or knowing anything else besides this: her beauty, and the realization that you’d be waking up next to her every morning for the rest of your life.

You can remember, as the years passed and the two of you grew older together, how the life you’d dreamt of started to take shape.  You painted the walls together – bright, happy colors and you remember spending lazy Sundays emptying those boxes you’d both brought with you.  You remember walking through the no-longer empty halls and smiling to yourself, because life was taking shape just like you’d both always imagined it would. 

You remember all the vacations you took together:  daytrips to the beach, long weekends in Boston, summer vacation and second and third honeymoons in paradise.  You remember the sandcastles you built together, and never wanting to come home. 

How could life have been any more perfect, any more like you’d always dreamt it would be?  You had everything you’d always wanted, and you were happy. 

Now though, with her gone, it’s those first couple of nights that you miss the most: making shadow puppets on the blank walls, closing your eyes and knowing this was love, and this was being happy.  You miss running through the halls of your couple-sized home, laughing just before finally catching her outside of the kitchen and slipping off her bright yellow dress.  

You miss her. 
I wrote this for my Creative Writing class, in response to a prompt.  (It's a revised/lengthened version of something I wrote before)  The Professor is assigning a 3-5 page story though, and I think I may use this as the basis for mine.  Any thoughts?

January 23, 2011


* lazy sundays that allow me to sleep entirely too late
* snow days that let me miss my 8am classes
* lots of blankets to keep me warm when it's entirely too cold outside
* fun, lazy weekends with friends, that don't really require me to leave the dorm building
* angry birds  (love. that. game.)
* Bananagrams

How about you, loves?  What are you thankful for this week?

January 21, 2011


This is my new favorite game.  One of my friends at school has it, and we've played it every day this week, excluding today.  (she's sick of it.  I'm not. at all.)

There're rules for a solitaire version of it, so tomorrow, I'm going to buy it for myself, so that when nobody else wants to play with me, I can play it myself.  :)


January 16, 2011

Weekly Gratitude and Back to School

Weekly Gratitude
*coming back to a nice-smelling dorm room*
*Wallgreens (and their towel-selling abilities, and close proximity to my dorm)*
*watching the Golden-Globes with college friends*

January 13, 2011

Kitty and Hair

I love cat eyes, and because Kitty was cooperating today, I was finally able to get a photo of hers!!
Some more Kitty photos.  Just because she's adorable, and she was letting me take her picture today. :)
And, because I promised it the other day...
It's muuuccccchhhh darker, but I really like it.  I've been trying to get it this dark for a couple of years, and this is the first time that it's actually come out the way I wanted it to!  It's the second darkest shade of brown that they had at the salon I go to.

Please forgive me for the grainy-ish, sort-of blurry web-cam shot.  I figured it was the quickest, easiest, most painless way of getting the photo.  

January 12, 2011


I realize I just finished posting, but I felt this needed to be separate from my last post.
From Nicole in the Making (check her page out - she's wonderful!) I caught onto a Weekly Gratitude project, and have decided to participate, as you can see from the button newly added to my sidebar.  So, on Sunday I will post my first gratitude post, and will continue to do so every Sunday.  
You can follow the button to the original blog that started it, but the basic idea is to each week, mention a person/people you are thankful for or to.  I think it's an absolutely wonderful way to remind yourself of the things about life that make you happy, so I'd love if you'd join in. :)

More to come tomorrow

Hopefully, I'll have some more photos for you guys tomorrow.  
Last night, it snowed in 49 of the 50 United States of America.  (Hawaii was the only state not to receive snow)  Fortunately, it wasn't too bad around here, so I'm hoping to be able to go for a walk and get some photos for you guys tomorrow. :)

President Obama is giving a memorial speech for the Tucson shooting.  I know it's amazing and wonderful that Rep. Giffords is alive and doing well, but I can't help but be more upset by the fact that 6 people - including a 9-year old girl - were killed, and 2 others were injured.  It's absolutely terrible, and I can't think of a way to talk about it, so I'll stop now.  But I do think it was wonderful that the President called off his trip to give this speech, and attend the funerals - whether or not you are a Democrat, or like President Obama, I think it needs to be said that he is a good President who is doing everything he can for the country.  (I don't like talking Politics, especially on here because it's too inflammatory, so I'll stop now.)

January 11, 2011

Of Kitties and Snowstorms (A Quick Post)

Lately, for reasons I can't comprehend, my Kitty has been more attached to me than one could say is usual.  I'm not sure why, but my mom thinks it's because she knows that I'm leaving soon.  (Back to school on Sunday)  Right now, she's sitting next to me on the bed doing everything in her power to take my attention away from this lovely post and back to her where it should rightfully be.  She has spent almost the entire day lying on my bed, waiting for me.  And when she wasn't in my room, she was following me around the house, even into the bathroom.  (Okay, I'll admit, she follows me into the bathroom fairly regularly.  Curiosity, I guess?)  For the past week she's been figuring out when I'm going to sleep, and waiting for me in my room while I brush my teeth and such.  I have no explanation for it, but I don't think I'm going to complain.   (Who would?  Honestly, she's adorable. -okay, I'm biased- and who doesn't love having a cute little kitty to snuggle?)
Outside, the snow has been falling for a couple hours now.  Hopefully I'll be able to get some photos up for you guys within the next couple of days.  I've been fairly busy spending the last week that I'm home tying to get things done.  (For instance, I got my hair dyed/cut today.  I'll have pictures of that too!)  I don't want to make any promises for next week either, since it will be the first week of classes.  Hopefully though, I'll be back to regular posting soon!

January 9, 2011


Each year, around this time, I have to remind myself that the winter does end, and close behind it will be days like these...

I love the way that all spring/summer colors seem to go together so well!

January 6, 2011

New York, New York!

Yesterday, my mom and I woke up and decided to take a spontaneous trip to New York City to make up for last week when we never did go as we had planned.  We managed to get online and find tickets to the play Jersey Boys for about half their original price, for a 2pm showing at the August-Wilson Theater, and we were off!
Even though I'd never actually heard of The Four Seasons before, I loved the play!  The music was wonderful (and from what my mom said, and from the original songs which I have since downloaded - sounded very similar to the originals), and the dialogue was funny - overall, I'd say that if you have the chance, definitely see it!!
For dinner after the play, we went into Times Square to the Hard Rock Cafe - that place will always amaze me, every time I go into it.  So far, I've been to the one in Philly, Times Square, and Florida.  
This particular one was incredibly Beatles-centric, which I attribute to the soon-coming play about the Beatles.  It only made me love this location all the more, since I'm in love with the Beatles.  <3
And then, we walked around the city for a bit before getting our car, and beginning the over 2-hour trip back home.

What have you loves been up to to finish off your winter breaks?  Anything exciting??

January 3, 2011


Now that New Year's Eve is over, all that's left to do is wait for the groundhog to see his shadow.  It's cold, and again they're calling for snow - a prospect I don't look forward to.  
Late spring, and summer is my favorite time of the year - it's when I feel my best, and I can just go outside and wander around, looking for new exciting things to take pictures of.  The first few months of the year are just spent waiting for that first spring shower.
This is me, and my good friend Eric.  It was taken this past summer at a picnic a bunch of us had, and even though it's a terrible picture, I absolutely love it! (I get really freckly in the summer)


Today, I went into Phoenixville to meet up with my friend, Rose.  Even though just about everything was closed, and the temperature dropped from the 50 degrees that it's been for the past few days, it was still a lot of fun. :)  Plus, I got to check out a couple of really neat shops, and get a bunch of pictures for you guys!

We went to a couple of nice coffee shops, and since I'm not much of a coffee person, I drank hot chocolate, which I love.

One of the shops we went into had a bunch of owl-themed things, like this necklace.  Rose loves owls!

  Birds were another thing which they had a lot of, and I liked those as well.  It was a really adorable little store, called The Hipster.
All in all, it was a really fun day, and it was nice to get to see a good friend from school over the holiday!  Have you guys done anything fun recently?  I'd love to hear all about it!