April 14, 2011

1000 Cranes for Japan (21)

The weather reached back up into the 70s today, and it's gorgeous outside, a fact which plenty of campus groups took advantage of.  I was in the quad for a bake sale to raise money for the school literary magazine, which I am a member of.  
 On my way back from the bake sale, I was stopped and asked to make a paper cranes.  A few people on campus got together and set up this thing to make 1000 paper cranes for Japan.
 They weren't all quite as intricate as this one ^^, but they were fun to make.  
 And the one guy who seemed to be in charge of it was running around teaching us all how to make the cranes while the others tried to get people to stop.
And, of course, here's Day 21
Moral of the day?  Go outside and enjoy the weather :)
I'd love to see some photos of where you're at, or hear about your day!
<3 Kiersten


  1. Oh my goodness, these photos are so glorious.

  2. Thank you so much, Alivia!
    The campus looked gorgeous that day because it was when everything had first really bloomed!
    <3 Kiersten


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