July 7, 2011

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Hey guys!  So in case you didn't know and haven't already seen it, I guest posted today over at Tara's blog Green-Eyed Opinions!  So go check that out ASAP - both my post, and her blog.  It's one of my favorites! :)  And look out on here too, because Tara's going to be guest posting here tomorrow!  I want the topic to be a surprise, but it's about something we both love, so look for that!

And if you're coming here from Tara's blog, thanks so much for visiting!!  Please comment and let me know you were here because that way I can follow you back to your lovely blogs, and well, to be honest, I just love comments!  So thanks again for stopping by - it really does mean a lot to me!  And while you're here - check out my giveaway that's going on right here!  

And while we're on the subject of awesome giveaways, check out Alivia's over at Alivia Thinks This:!!  Alivia's is another blog that I absolutely love to read, and this giveaway is so awesome!  She's giving away, to one lucky winner, an MP3 copy of the new Matt Nathanson album, Modern Love.  If you haven't heard it yet, go listen!  Right this minute!  I'll wait.  
The whole CD is wonderful, but I think that my favorite song on it (at least so far) is either Room at the End of the World or Drop to Hold You!  So go check that out ASAP, because the giveaway ends tomorrow!  :)

So that's all the real news for today, loves.  I do have one question for you guys though:  I've been reading Alivia's outfit posts lately (and I love them) and yesterday, I finally got a bunch of new summer clothes that I am in clothes-love with!  What would you guys think of me attempting an outfit post?  Yay?  Nay?  Let me know in the comment box!!!

<3 Kiersten


  1. wow, you get really involved with this blogging stuff haha
    keep it up :)

  2. guest posting was a great idea :)

    x Tara

  3. My vote is a "yay" for the outfit post!

  4. haha Thanks Island Guy :) I definitely try to. I'm a Journalism student, so this is the type of thing I love!
    Tara - I completely agree!! I'm so glad we did it :)
    And Emily - thanks! I think I'm going to try to do one either tomorrow or Saturday!
    <3 Kiersten


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! It means so much to me, and I really do love reading all your messages! <3