January 6, 2011

New York, New York!

Yesterday, my mom and I woke up and decided to take a spontaneous trip to New York City to make up for last week when we never did go as we had planned.  We managed to get online and find tickets to the play Jersey Boys for about half their original price, for a 2pm showing at the August-Wilson Theater, and we were off!
Even though I'd never actually heard of The Four Seasons before, I loved the play!  The music was wonderful (and from what my mom said, and from the original songs which I have since downloaded - sounded very similar to the originals), and the dialogue was funny - overall, I'd say that if you have the chance, definitely see it!!
For dinner after the play, we went into Times Square to the Hard Rock Cafe - that place will always amaze me, every time I go into it.  So far, I've been to the one in Philly, Times Square, and Florida.  
This particular one was incredibly Beatles-centric, which I attribute to the soon-coming play about the Beatles.  It only made me love this location all the more, since I'm in love with the Beatles.  <3
And then, we walked around the city for a bit before getting our car, and beginning the over 2-hour trip back home.

What have you loves been up to to finish off your winter breaks?  Anything exciting??


  1. That is awesome! I wish I was close enough to a neat city that I could just drive over spontaneously.. truly I envy your location :) My break has been over since Wednesday! Lame indeed. I did very few things over break, so it was cool to read about your adventures. Hope the transition back to school goes well!
    Yours truly,

  2. I'm not quite that close - it was a few hundred miles, but my mom and I love the city!
    Thanks for reading, and could I ask who you are? I love being able to check my readers' pages as well! :)
    <3 Kiersten


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