April 9, 2011

Happy Saturday (18)

This morning, my roommate and I went into town for breakfast since it's a tour day and the dining hall is most likely flooded with people.  On the way back, we stopped in a wonderful little Italian market, and I just had to buy one of these.
Kiersten, you don't need a canoli...you know it's not necessary that you spend $2.50 on that.
But it's only $2.50....and it probably tastes so good....
Well...I caved and bought the canoli after a good 3 minutes of internal dialogue.  And let me tell you, it is well worth the $2.50 - so so so good!
Later today, I'll be seeing a couple of friends from high-school who are on campus today - I'm pretty excited for that! :)
What are you loves up to this weekend?  Anything fun and exciting?  I'd love to hear about it!!
<3 Kiersten


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