February 17, 2011

Little Darling

Days like today put music in my head, happy songs that make me dance my way to class  and sing out loud when I'm back in my room.  I just want to sit out on the quad and stare at the perfect blue sky!  It's so gorgeous outside, so here is my post for the day...
Go outside!
Enjoy the beautiful day, because chances are that after this weekend, it will disappear again until April.  
"Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter.
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here.
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
And I say, it's all right."


  1. perfect song for today :D

  2. I know :) It's been stuck in my head all day! (Also, that may be due to my love of the Beatles, but one can not be sure...)
    But I figured you'd appreciate it :)
    <3 Kiersten


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