March 7, 2011


March 7th, and I've made it to Spring Break.  It seems early, like we just got back from Christmas break, but I suppose I'm not complaining.  There're 8 weeks of classes left before finals, and then summer break!
And now, my weekly thankful list :)
-enormous containers of Irish Potatoes from the local grocery store
-free laundry 
-at least one local bookstore that isn't closing... (Borders and Barnes & Noble are going bankrupt because of things like the Kindle)
-rain instead of snow!
-a week without classes to worry about
How about you, loves?  What are you thankful for this week?


  1. i can't WAIT for my spring break. i hope i get to see you sometime!!!

  2. You get home tomorrow, right? We should do something then! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment! It means so much to me, and I really do love reading all your messages! <3